Sunday, February 7, 2016

Ch3-Discussion Question/Reading Level

6.   “If a technical writer has a choice of reading levels for a document (as measured by a readability index), it is preferable to aim for a reading level that is a little too high, rather than a little too low, which might insult the intelligence of your readers.” Explain your position on this statement.

I believe the best thing a technical writer can do is consider his/her audience. If you are creating instructions for a more tech savvy audience, then there may be no need to explain typical technical words and procedures. If your audience is new to technology, then lots of graphics and explanations should be provided. I am a firm believer of K.I.S.S (keep it simple stupid), so the reading level should be as low as you can go without feeling like a children’s book. I think a 4th or 5th grade reading level is great starting point, so a little too high seems reasonable to me.

"Audience." Tech Writing Handbook. Dozuki. Web. 07 Feb. 2016. <>

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