Sunday, January 24, 2016

Activity 1-2

     I think, as far as computer trends go, we are headed in the right direction. I believe that together, the inexpensive personal computers (PC`s) and reliable home internet connection will spark an already booming trend of teleworking. Also, I believe that as tablets and smart phones get more powerful that working on the go will be a regular occurrence in all forms of business. It is already standard for most home and work PC`s to come with built-in cameras. This is great for video teleconferencing. Some companies or even making it mandatory to use Voice Over IP (VOIP) in an attempt to better connect their employees together and with other more technologically progressive companies. As per the below link it also doesn`t hurt that you can video chat with unbelievable clarity, it is cost effective, and one hundred times better than a land line. .

   As the years pass on, the technology will get better and better. I predict that computers will get smaller and more powerfull. There will always be a less powerful less expensive model for the common consumer and there will always be a more powerful more expensive model for the power user. Business will continue to push the envelope to use technology for productivity, and consumers will continue to use it for both business and entertainment. The biggest downfall of being connected digitally is maybe becoming disconnected from human connections. I hope and pray we learn how to balance it all.


1 comment:

  1. Experts are worried about children's social skills--the ability to interact in face-to-face situations is declining.
